The Fetal Ejection Reflex and how your uterus works during labour

Do you know about the muscles of the uterus and what they are doing during a contraction? The uterus is INCREDIBLE! Understanding and visualising exactly how the uterus is working during labour is an incredibly powerful tool to allow yourself to work with the sensations you are feeling rather than against them. The video below…

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Epidurals – Benefits and Risks

There is a big difference between COPING with the intensity of labour and SUFFERING. We never want a mum to get to a level of suffering during her labour. Birth should be a positive experience for the mother, baby and her birth partner. Epidurals can be a good option for women if they are experiencing…

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What does a Positive Birth mean to you?

There is a BIG misconception about Hypnobirth that: Positive Birth = Natural, Drug-free, Intervention-Free birth This is not the case – although it may be for some. In class, I ask mums and their birth partners to answer this question: ‘WHAT DOES A POSITIVE BIRTH MEAN TO ME?’ Every answer is unique. Just like birth,…

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Will they let me? Your choices during pregnancy and birth….

“Will they let me give birth in that position?” “Will they let me say no to a vaginal examination?” “Will they let me have delayed cord clamping” “Will they let me deliver the placenta physiologically?” I hear questions like these a lot during my classes. It is a great insight into how many people subconsciously…

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Welcome Hypnobub – Skye – Induced birth with Syntocinon

I just received this beautiful message from one of my dads. This mum developed high blood pressure in late pregnancy. After a number of days using natural induction methods, they made an informed decision to be induced using a balloon catheter and later syntocinon. Induction is tough. It can go from 0-100 very quickly and…

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Welcome Hypnobub – Penelope!

Hypnobirth Australia mum with baby

❤❤❤AND JUST LIKE THAT A MOTHER IS BORN❤❤❤ My beautiful client Kathleen deep in the love bubble with her little hypnobub, Penelope. The message that her partner wrote with this stunning photo made me well up 😢. It captures so beautifully the feelings of the birth partner. The awe and admiration of their partner’s incredible…

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Hypnobirth breathing techniques for the different stages of labour

Breathing through labour contractions on the way to hospital

The Hypnobirth Australia Positive Birth Course teaches three different types of breathing for the different stages of labour. The following video shows me in the early stages of labour (about 8 hours in) using the ‘Surge’ or ‘Contraction Breathing’. I practiced this technique daily during my pregnancy from 26 weeks after learning it during my…

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Hypnobirth is not about being quiet


One of the misconceptions about Hypnobirth is that Hypnomums are ‘zoned out’ or ‘in a trance’ and have to be quiet or placid. While it may look like this – Hypnomums have actually trained themselves to be in an incredible state of deep relaxation while also being in a state of acute awareness. They can…

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The role of your hormones during birth

Role of your endorphins during labour and birth

Do you know about the role of your hormones during labour? Did you feel a euphoric high after birth? Endorphins are the body’s natural pain relievers. Powerful naturally-occurring opiates. Beta-endorphin levels peak at birth and allow a woman to deal with the intensity of the experience and enter an altered state of consciousness. Beta-endorphins are…

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